About Me

Vasundhara is a Mumbai based, Indian artist who was a banker before she quit to create more space for art in her life. Art for her is invoking optimism and brighter perspective about life through inspiration from nature. Through her art, she represents the serenity and peace to the viewer. She likes to explore various mediums. Her preferred ones being Oils, Watercolours Charcoal and Inks Academically, she has studied Engineering and is MBA from Mumbai University.  Although mostly self-taught, she has been trained by masters like Mohan Jadhav (Pune) and Ricky Mujica (New York).  She has exhibited her works in India, Dubai, Italy, Texas and San Diego.  Some of her Dubai cityscapes were featured by Arte & Lusso magazine in 2021. She has also collaborated with international artist in some interesting art projects and has conducted workshops. Her art is a tribute to the beauty of nature, an invitation to pause and reflect on it’s wonders that often go unnoticed. Through her works, she aims to build a deeper connection with the environment, more so in today’s times, encouraging viewers to appreciate and cherish nature for years to come.